Saturday 14 July 2018

Lessons of 2018

Breaking up with someone is not always a bad thing. In line with this, being single is an opportunity for self-growth, development and evaluation. As a result of two break ups with people who did not treat with me as I deserve, it has really highlighted to me that I deserve me. At first, I thought admitting this was selfish but it is true. No one deserves to be lied to and no one deserves to be sexually objectified. Through this very emotionally challenging period, I have begun to remember what I actually look for in a partner and from this moment on, I am going to stand by this rather than settle for anything less. The expectations you have of another person, in terms of how they should treat you, are a direct indicator of the level of self-respect you have for yourself. If you allow for another human being to treat you negatively, this is a representation of the self-respect you have for yourself.

Making big decisions is never easy but once you begin working out exactly what you want, making them becomes easier. I thought that next year I had to be a full-time teacher but in my heart, this is not what I want yet. I want to continue being a Teachers Aide and to travel. Next year, I want to live more of my life and continue working on my own development. My Masters is also something I want to complete next year and so this will also be my focus.

Every year one of my goals was to stop over-thinking. Although this is still something I am trying to work on, I have begun to realise that sometimes I over-think for a reason. Sometimes it is my gut telling me that something is not entirely right. Rather than telling myself that this is a bad habit that should be stopped, maybe I should sit there for a bit and actually think about the reasons I am over-analysing something. This has been the case for the past two relationships I have had. I continued getting angry at myself for constantly overthinking but at the end of the day both people were not giving me anything else to work with. I cannot ignore what is.

Having a set plan is not the be all and end all of your life. I used to think that I wanted to be living on my own and married by 25 but this has completely changed. I want to travel the world and if I think realistically about this, is having a mortgage actually appropriate if I am not actually in the country? No. As for having children and being married, I have faith that this will happen when the time is right. I cannot make the time 'right' nor can I force these things to happen. I have learned that if I try to do this, it will not work out in the long run. 99% of the time, it will also be done so out of loneliness and not for the 'right' reasons.

My health is an investment not an expense. This quote has really resonated with me over the last six months. I even have it written on my mirror and see it everyday. Although I loved it, I was at first very hesitant to invest in PT and my nutrition as I worried it was an expense that was not necessary. PT has done wonders for me mentally. I am obsessed with becoming 'better' and improving. In line with this, I have discovered a passion for pushing myself beyond my previously perceived limits and I have continued to surprise myself. As a result of this, it has really been emphasised to me that we are the ones that create the limits for ourselves.

The ones who really care about you will show it and you will not doubt them for a second. I know for most this is a given with family and close friends but this was emphasised to be during kick boxing. My trainer asked me how I was after the break up and I knew he genuinely cared. Rather than pushing me to talk, we spoke about positive thing such as travelling and then he kicked my butt in training. My kind of therapy.

There is something very empowering about the idea that you alone have your future in your own hands. This is something that I have been thinking a lot about the past couple of days as I have had to make a few hard decisions. You can decide who you let into your life, how people think they can treat you, your path and more. Above all though, you can also choose happiness over continued sadness, pain and anger.

Money is not everything. There is no set amount you should have saved by a certain point. What is the point of saving so much if it stops you from living? Obviously don't be stupid with your money but don't be scared to live your life. If today was your last day, your savings would mean nothing. They don't represent your success, value or anything for that matter. Don't be scared to spend your money on things and adventures that will make your soul happy.

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